+91 0354 2255020


  1. A Student is eligible to write the semester/annual examination only when he/she has a minimum of 75% attendance in each subject and in aggregate of all the subjects. 
  2. Students with attendance those below the required level will not be permitted to appear for the end semester/annual examinations. 
  3.  Leave of absence from College must be applied for previously. The general terms of excuses such as 'some business', 'Personal work', and 'sick' are not sufficiently explicit.
  4. The leave letter should be duly signed only by the parents.
  5.  Absence from class up to 5 days needs to be justified with the Class mentor. The HOD's clearance is required in addition to the Class mentor if absence ranges from 5 to 6 days.
  6. In case of absence for more than a week, the student shall obtain the permission from the Principal to enter class. In case of sickness a  medical certificate is to be submitted.
  7. A student who falls short of 75% attendance in any month will be required to meet the Principal with his/her parents.
  8. A student, who is continuously absent for more than 15 days without intimation, is liable to have his/her name removed from the register. 


Regulations Of University of North Bengal Regarding Attendance:

  1. Each semester/term shall be taken into consideration for the purpose of calculating attendance. 
  2. Students shall attend lecture classes, special classes as well as seminars if any during the semester as the college/department may prescribe and not absent themselves from class without adequate reasons.
  3.  A student shall be considered to have completed an semester/term if he/she attended not less than 3/4 of the number of working periods in each of the subjects of study during the said semester/term and if his/her conduct and progress have been satisfactory. The principal shall notify the attendance of each student in each of the two semesters/term respectively. He shall also certify to the effect that the candidate has satisfied the attendance requirement of the course in the examination application form, which is to be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations.